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A nourishing, hypoallergenic homemade baby formula using safe, whole ingredients. This recipe was developed and tested by Dr. Mary Enig, a PhD Nutritionist and originally published in Nourishing Traditions cookbook in 1996. Source: Weston A. Price Foundation

Many health-conscious parents first try a homemade milk-based baby formula when it becomes apparent that breastfeeding is not an option. If baby demonstrates an intolerance even when using fresh, grass-fed whole milk or yogurt, the non-dairy homemade formula recipe is an excellent alternative to use instead. A detailed how-to video tutorial is also provided.
This dairy-free DIY formula is based on homemade broth and a small amount of cooked, organic grass-fed liver instead of milk as the source of protein.
The recipe was originally published in the cookbook Nourishing Traditions in 1996 and developed by Dr. Mary Enig.
Traditional cultures sometimes used liver pre-chewed by the Mother as a baby first food. Liver is very easily digested and full of nutrition and cholesterol for the baby’s rapidly developing brain.
Commercial nondairy formulas rely on soy as the protein source. Soy formula is a devastating food for babies as it is loaded with plant estrogens which wreak havoc with the baby’s developing hormonal system. In addition, soy contains some of the highest levels of phytic acid found in any food. Phytic acid contributes to poorly developed, cavity-prone baby teeth and poor bone structure (i.e., turned-in feet, flat feet, crowded teeth, sunken chest, etc) as it blocks mineral absorption.

Whatever you do, if your child cannot drink a milk-based formula, DO NOT use soy! Other types of plant-based DIY baby formula can cause growth problems as well.
What a relief for a concerned parent that a safe, healthy, non-dairy homemade formula can be made at home with nutrient-dense, whole-food ingredients.
Most babies who cannot drink the homemade milk-based formula THRIVE on this hypoallergenic homemade formula.
You will immediately notice that whey and lactose are used in this hypoallergenic recipe. The vast majority of babies will do fine with these milk-derived ingredients as it is the milk protein (casein), not the lactose or whey that was causing the problems with the milk-based formula. In the rare case that the infant is not thriving on this homemade dairy-free formula, remove the whey and substitute GMO-free dextrose or sucrose for the lactose.
Nondairy Homemade Formula
Click here for where to source all the ingredients for the dairy-free homemade formula such as gelatin, lactose, and acerola powder, etc. See the dairy-free baby formula video below for visual details.
One batch of 36 ounces takes about 10 minutes to make.
Be sure to use bottle nipples designed for thicker flowing liquids when feeding this formula to your baby. Get them here.
If your baby is only allergic to cow milk, but not other types of dairy, this article provides a how-to for making homemade goats milk formula if you would like to try that first. A sheep milk formula is an option too. Or, if you cannot get goat milk in your area, you can make homemade formula with camel milk.

Dairy-Free Homemade Formula Recipe
A nourishing, dairy-free homemade baby formula that uses bone broth as the base instead of raw milk that was developed and tested by Dr. Mary Enig to match breastmilk as closely as possible.
- 3 3/4 cups bone broth
- 2 oz grassfed liver beef, bison, or lamb
- 1/4 cup liquid whey leave out if baby cannot tolerate
- 5 Tbl goat lactose OR nonGMO dextrose if baby cannot tolerate
- 1/4 tsp bifidobacterium infantis powder
- 1/2 tsp cod liver oil unflavored
- 1 tsp sunflower oil preferably organic
- 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil preferably organic
- 1 Tbl virgin coconut oil preferably organic
- 1/4 tsp acerola powder
Simmer liver cut up into small pieces gently in the homemade broth until just cooked through.
Liquefy the liver in the broth using a handheld blender or a food processor.
Let the broth cool to room temperature, then stir in the remaining ingredients or blend for a few seconds in a blender.
Store formula in glass jars in the refrigerator.
To serve the homemade formula, pour into glass baby bottles and warm in a baby bottle warmer or in a pan of hot water. Never microwave baby bottles!
Recipe Video
Recipe Notes
You may make bone broth yourself (most budget-friendly) or buy it. Be aware that almost all bone broth on the market is not quality. Even if it is quality bone broth, it comes in toxic packaging. Watch out! The only brand I have found as of this writing that is worth purchasing is bone broth packaged in shelf stable glass jars.
Most babies allergic to milk formula are allergic to the milk proteins, so liquid whey is tolerated well. If baby shows signs of intolerance try using goat whey (strained from goat yogurt or goat kefir). Leave out only as a last resort. DO NOT use powdered whey from the store or whey from making cheese.
Substitute nonGMO dextrose or sucrose if the baby cannot tolerate lactose.
If your baby has a true dairy allergy and is not just dairy sensitive, this infant probiotic is dairy free to use as a substitute.
**Do not use krill oil as a substitute for the cod liver oil. It contains no Vitamin D and very little Vitamin A.
Hi Sarah, I have not ever made beef broth. How many bones to water ratio do I need to make the same amount of broth shown in your turkey broth video? Also I have a Pur water filter. Do you think I should purchase water at the store to make the broth? I am reluctant because it all comes in plastic containers.
Thank You so much for posting this recipe. My son has been breast fed for 5 months but I just am not producing enough milk for him now. I plan to make this very soon and I really hope he takes to it because he has had reactions to cow and goat milk formulas.
Hi Natalie just use enough filtered water to just cover the beef bones. It is best to roast the beef bones 20 min on each side before starting the broth as well. Is there flouride in your water? Then perhaps buy spring water from the store. You can sometimes find it in glass bottles. If you have well water, a simple filter will do.
How long is the liver cooked and what should the texture be like?
can bone broth substitute the stocks?
Hi Areej, bone broths and homemade stock are interchangeable terms … at least to me! 🙂
I’m a Breastfeeding Councelor and so pleased to see a safer alternative to formula but I do suggest getting some help from LLL or a local breastfeeding expert first and only use this mix for emergencies. Donated breastmilk should be the first choice if after counceling and help the mother cannot effectively breastfeed her baby to survive. There is a great group called Human Milk 4 Human Babies on facebook and you can find a chapter in your area/country.
While I agree breast milk is definitely the best choice, getting donated milk from moms who eat terrible diets or who could have diseases transmitted through breast milk is probably not better than this formula. Getting your donated breast milk through FB is a major gamble (and I’m speaking from experience with this exact group Areej mentioned). So, be very careful if you go that route.
My son is allergic to dairy and the Bifidobacterium Infantis Powder says do not use if you’re allergic to dairy. Is there a substitute for this or there a reason this would be o.k. for babies with dairy allergies? Thanks.
Ok, awesome. So it sounds like it isn’t super crucial. She is tolerating a nice array of solids now as well. I know….so so happy as well! I’ll report back when we are at 100% homemade. Almost there!
Laura – how is your baby doing?
Callie is taking to the liver formula!! It has taken FOREVER to get going w/ it but we are having success. We have many trips to her hematologist and have a bone marrow scheduled this week. Such a rough start for our little girl – but we are getting through and hope she just outgrows her issues. Anxious to get this week over with and hope for a benign result.
Sarah – the liver formula is totally complete sans the whey and lactose. This question is forever looming w/ folks making this formula, I’m sure. I know it’s so rare to have issue here: I see the sub for lactose. Is there one for whey in case she doesn’t take it well?
Hooray!! Will increase each day this week and hope to report 100% success very soon.
Hi Angie, no sub for the whey. Leave it out if she does not tolerate. She has the best chance of tolerating raw whey from a grassfed dairy source as opposed to liquid whey from pasteurized yogurt or kefir at the store. So glad things are progressing well for Callie!
Hi Angie! sorry I haven’t been on for awhile and just was curious if you wrote back and you did!! My baby girl is doing wonderfully!!!!! cubby and all! No reflux no and diapers are normal. I am still doing the cow milk formula and she loves it! Glad you were able to get callie talking the liver formula! hope she is doing well now 🙂
Hi Laura!
I always forget to check back here. Pardon my delay!
You know, we only trialed the goats milk as is and I totally wondered if making the whole formula would have made a difference? I just know she has such a terrible dairy intolerance as it is…i wondered if it would have really made that much difference? I don’t know?
Well…I don’t think it was the coconut oil as I first suspected. I’ve actually been adding a drizzle in her morning egg yolk every other day now and she is fine. Her bottom was bright red the same day i first fed her this formula – and being a first time mom, I didn’t know that can be the result of teething:) So…I’ve been giving her Sarah’s/WAP’s liver based formula a bit more. The biggest issue is she doesn’t love it. She sort of holds the bottle in her mouth and plays around with it. But, I know she will eventually take to it – it’s just full of goodness – SOO much better than the neocate. She LOVES plain bone broth, though.
I also made homemade rice milk this week and made the formula I found online – as stated above I’m not sold on it b/c of it not being as widely known. I think it’s a great option for perhaps a 1 year old who still can’t have cow’s milk and is on more solids? It’s super easy and it would be nice if I had more confidence in it.
How is the cow’s milk formula going? OHHH I hope it works for you! SOO anxious to here!! That was my number 1 choice for sure (well second, actually as breastfeeding was first!). Ahhh – this little babe of ours has been such a mystery! Are you still able to breastfeed her? If that is the case, I would think the rice milk based formula would be fine if you wouldn’t need too much of it.
Sorry so long:)
Angie! I’m guilty of the same thing.. not checking the site posts! Sorry!!
Okay so this Saturday will be one whole week solely on the cow milk formula.( I mixed it w/ alimentum for 3 days) Her skin has improved but the eczema has not completely gone away ;( She did however go through a cleanse during the transition. It is a natural process that is flushing the body of the irritants and impurities from the commercial formula. We had a rough week 3-5 days.. extremely leaky diapers. Now it looks more like a breastfed baby stool. (BTW- i nursed until 4 mon… she’s 5 mon now- supply issues :(.. ) I would be curious to know how your daughter would be on the complete goat milk formula… after you hang in there for a few days (unless she is unbearable, of course!!) to see if she detoxes. The ingredients work together to help with the digestion. I actually would be afraid to just give my daughter just cow milk… just a thought!
We are still battling with wheezing issues. She was in the hospital in feb with RSV and since then when she gets a simple cold she wheezes 🙁 I have questioned the cow milk and I am thinking of switching to goat for this reason… you are right.. such mystery babies! ah!
thanks for listening! 🙂
It has been a rough 4 months for my baby girl. I began the elimination diet of dairy & nuts in january after her non stop crying & dark black in her stools. We saw an improvement but she was not gaining weight. I really tried to assure that I was getting enough calories / good foods- avocado ect but it just didn’t seem to help her weight, crawling up only a couple of ounces at a time. So I began supplementing from dr request, alimentum. We saw much improvement and she began actually sleeping for us. But then it seemed I either needed to eliminate more( taking out soy seemed to help) from my diet or what I now believe was/ is the formula causing dry patchy textured skin. Then she was in the hospital of RSV for 5 days so I think the stress of everything didn’t help my milk supply. So here we are trying to figure out what type of formula will be best with these protein sensitivities. All that to say, to you recommend we go with this meat based formula? Or I also heard good things about a goat milk formula. It is a modification from the one in the norishing traditions book. I just cringe on the idea of giving her alimentum or neocate full time. Thank you for your help!
Hi Laura!
We have similar stories as far as our protein sensitive babies go. Such a rough road, isn’t it?
Our daughter has been on neocate for 6 weeks and I’ve been trying homemade formula here and there but haven’t had complete success yet. I’m determined to, however. Anyway, we trialed raw goat milk and I know it works for some but our daughter couldn’t handle it. So, we tried this formula and I thought she reacted to the coconut oil – but I really want to trial it again. No tummy trouble – just rash.
If you have access to a reliable farm – you could try a touch of the raw goat milk for her to see if she does ok? That is what we did but it was a day of ouchy colic ( we only tried 1-2 ounces!). If you don’t have a nearby farm – go for it and try this meat based version. I froze mine in cubes. I struggled with her taking it – but – if our wee ones are became used to neocate/alimentum – then surely this would taste delicious after a few days!
Good luck – my heart goes out to you. If you want to email me – I’m all ears. We’ve had a very rough start as well and it sounds like we have the same goals – that there has to be a better option. I’m also looking into a rice milk based option – but I’m not sure on that one as it isn’t as widely known as the WAP versions and I’m not sure it’s 100% complete.
Hi Angie
Thanks for posting back to me! I actually just tried the cow milk recipe to rule it out. We had the muscle testing (applied kinesiology ) done and it didn’t reveal a cow milk allergy. So she just had 2 ounces this morning.. praying it works!! She LOVED the taste of it!!! Possibly the way it is processed was causing the specs of blood in her stool.. i guess i just have to wait & see!
When you did the goat milk trial did you give her just a taste of the milk or did you do the nourishing traditions formula version? The gelatin really helps aid in digestion so I just wanted to mention it to you! Have you had any success with this formula without the coconut oil?
I agree with you statement about the rice milk.. but I haven’t researched it enough. Let me know what you find out!!!
Hi Sarah – My granddaughter has been put on Nutrimigen because ped thinks she has protein allergies. Her skin is very, very dry and her cheeks are bright red on other formulas. She constantly spits up even on the Nutrimigen. Her skin appears better but still not great. She is almost 8 months old. Would your homemade formula help her?
Cindi, please do try this formula with your granddaughter! This recipe is for babies with situations just as you describe! Please do get her off that horrible Nutrimigen!
Ok, thank you, Sarah! I’m going to make it this weekend.
Curious Angie, how did it go? Does your daughter like it? How long did you simmer the liver in the broth? Thanks for any feedback. 🙂