My favorite condiment to go with chicken or fish is mango chutney. The recipe below plus video demonstrates how to ferment this favorite dish so that probiotics and additional enzymes are added which boost nutrient absorption and digestibility.
Another way to serve fermented mango chutney is to spoon it directly on top of a salad of organic baby greens. The flavor is incredibly complex, both sour and sweet.
Mango chutney was the very first fermented condiment I ever tasted many years ago. My friend Della made it for a potluck at her home.
I remember nearly falling over as it was so delicious and welcome on my stomach! From that point on, I was hooked on traditionally fermented foods.
Your body literally cries out for these types of super nutrient dense, easily digested foods loaded with probiotics!
Feel free to substitute pineapple or papaya for the mango if desired. A 50-50 mix of pineapple and fresh cut mango cubes works very well together too.
If you love mango, try this recipe for raspberry or mango lassi too.

Homemade Mango Chutney Recipe
Recipe for homemade mango chutney that is fermented to add probiotics and enzymes for a big boost to nutrient absorption.
- 3 cups fresh mango peeled and cubed
- 1 Tbl fresh ginger grated
- 1 red pepper seeded, chopped, optional
- 1 small onion chopped
- 1 jalapeno pepper chopped, optional
- 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves chopped
- 1 cup fresh cilantro chopped
- 1/8 cup sucanat optional
- 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
- 2 tsp sea salt
- 1/4 cup liquid whey
- 1/2 cup filtered water
Mix mango, ginger, peppers, onion, mint and cilantro in a large glass bowl (I use these bowls).
Press down lightly with a meat hammer or other kitchen pounder.
Mix remaining ingredients well and pour over ingredients in the bowl.
Transfer to a quart and pint size mason jars leaving at least an inch at the top.
Leave on the counter for 2 days and then transfer to the refrigerator. Use up within about 2 months.
Is it ok to use frozen mangoes?
This would probably work if the mangoes are raw, but I haven’t tried it to know for sure. If you try it, be sure the mango chunks are completely thawed and at room temperature before adding the other ingredients.
The picture shows the chutney more gel like. Is that what it will look like after sitting? I’m a big texture person so I’m wondering if I could put it in the blender? Also, what substitutes can be made for the sucanat which is unavailable where I live in Africa. (I can often find freshly pressed cane juice on the side of the road. I’ve been hesitant to use it though due to cleanliness. Would it destroy the nutritional content to bring it to a boil before using? Thanks!
Hi Sarah I’m a newbie to your video blogs. I have already tried 4 of your recipes. Thanks a million for the priceless information. I look forward to more of your videos.
Always love your videos, Sarah. I am excited to make this chutney. Can I substitute raw honey for the Sucanat?
Sarah, I made peach chutney according to the NT directions for fruit chutney for the first time…it made just over a quart so I put it into 2 quart jars with only about 2 inches in the second jar. It bubbled up in that jar but I went ahead and put it in the fridge. When I opened it yesterday, less than a week later, it smells very fermenty – sort of champagne like. I did taste it and it doesn’t taste alcoholic but I don’t know if it tastes right either since I have never had chutney before. Any advice? Also, do you heat it on the chicken or put it on the table cold?
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your site. It has taught me many things and helped me make since of my NT cookbook. Thanks for all you do. Holly
Thanks so much for all your videos! They are very helpful!
I used balsamic vinegar instead of lime juice. Is it still safe?
Hi Sarah, I am enjoying your recipes and videos very much! Thanks for making this contribution to the health of us all!
I have a food intolerance to all citrus. For lemon juice, I usually substitute raw vinegar. What would you suggest substituting for the lime juice in this recipe?
How about pineapple juice? Pineapple is not a citrus fruit, although it is commonly considered one.
Great idea! Thanks!!
Yes, simply use one additional tablespoon of sea salt if you omit the whey for allergy reasons.