I almost didn’t do this video.
I honestly thought it would be too wacky and out of the box for some readers to handle.
My change of heart occurred when one of my children said, “Mom, you HAVE to do that video”.
Out of the mouths of babes.
So here I am posting a video about the best trick I know for teaching your kids about the dangers of fast food and hopefully keeping them far far away from it forever – even once they are out of the house and making their own decisions.
While this trick won’t work for older children, if your kids are still quite young, it should work well.  My three kids want absolutely nothing to do with fast food and that includes my teenager who has more freedom away from his parents and has the opportunity to indulge if he chose to.
So here it is.   What do you think? Too wacky or totally on target?
Mom Versus Fast Food (Mom Wins)
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
I agree!!!
… my kids are 5, 3, and 2
yes, and I plan to do the same thing one day. i’ve already shared the idea with several people, most of whom thought i was over the top. what can i say? i am over the top … decisions, values, etc MATTER. my poor daughter won’t eat cereal (on my bad mommy mornings) because i’ve told her it’s not healthy. she’s already told me she won’t buy cereal when she’s a mom. (it’s Trader Joe’s shredded wheat w/ no sugar.) just wait until i add the pitfalls of McD’s to the list … they’re going to talk about how poisonous their food is everytime we drive past.
I love this idea!! Although I am an adult when I get a craving now I close my eyes and picture myself going through the drive through and putting it in the garbage.. followed with some positive self affirmations!
I like the video, but, the better choice for a drink if you was going to throw it out I think would’ve been a pop or shake…. You threw out milk!!
Loved it!! My kids don’t eat junk food too. I used to do competitions who’s gonna make most pretty sandwich or salad or something, like a smiley face or anything artistic, just to get them involved. There was a lot of mess to clean up after, but it was fun and educational.
It takes time to do those videos, you are my inspiration! God bless you!
I was browsing and noticed this listed as “controversial” on the sidebar. lol. I didn’t read all the comments to see, but I think this is great. I have already made every mistake with my own health and with my children. So now I am working on being honest with them about that and teaching them as I learn. It has been a long hard slow road to get to where we are now. But I got my daughters to watch this one as soon as I finished watching it . Then we talked again about how much better they will be able to do by their kids if they can recognize my mistakes and be honest with themselves about all of this stuff. Thank-you for this video!!!
Loved this! My mom used to tell us that drinking soda would make our hair ugly and our teeth fall out. As a vain little girl that liked dressing up as a princess, that was enough to stop me from drinking it. I find that I still don’t crave soda and almost never drink it.
I don’t think this is extreme at all. Actually your title made me want to watch it but a little scared at the same time. LOL Now, if you burned down the McDonalds, that would be EXTREME! LOL
Oops… it wasn’t your title but what you said further down.
My kids are 6 and 8 do you think it will work now too?