I almost didn’t do this video.
I honestly thought it would be too wacky and out of the box for some readers to handle.
My change of heart occurred when one of my children said, “Mom, you HAVE to do that video”.
Out of the mouths of babes.
So here I am posting a video about the best trick I know for teaching your kids about the dangers of fast food and hopefully keeping them far far away from it forever – even once they are out of the house and making their own decisions.
While this trick won’t work for older children, if your kids are still quite young, it should work well.  My three kids want absolutely nothing to do with fast food and that includes my teenager who has more freedom away from his parents and has the opportunity to indulge if he chose to.
So here it is.   What do you think? Too wacky or totally on target?
Mom Versus Fast Food (Mom Wins)
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Right on, sister. I have an 8 hour road trip tomorrow with my two year old son and I think I’m going to make a quick pit stop and practice some “learnin'”. Thanks for the great idea!
Right on, sister. I have an 8 hour road trip tomorrow with my two year old son and I think I’m going to make a quick pit stop and practice some “learnin'”. Thanks for the great idea!
LOL — on the other hand — just watch Food Inc. — they will never want to set foot in one of those restaurant again!!
Not over the top at all. We need to educate our kids, and your method was original.
Well, I just said “We don’t eat that kind of food b/c it isn’t healthy for your body.” My 6 year old knows I won’t buy gmo snack food and we eat organic food. We go to farms and it really isn’t an issue. If your values are reflected in your actions it won’t be an issue.
awesome! i do further and tell my kids that it is not even food. they KNOW what real food is. my 5 and 11 year olds shout “ewww mcdonalds!” every time they see the sign. i actually got weak one day about a month ago and said, well, we don’t have much money, let’s just go there just this once, and they both adamantly said “no WAY!” i LOVE it! 1 by 1, we are making a difference and teaching others by our simple daily choices. 🙂
And what was wrong with the milk you thru away?
Well, I would never go spend money on one of those toxic plastic toys in the first place. I actually just explain to my kids why the food is bad and yucky and we won’t eat it. Simple as that.
I think it was great! My kids know the difference between junk food and healthy food because I have taught them that Mcd’s is not healthy and wont make us grow big and strong. They want nothing to do with that junk! And to Renee, it is way worse to feed kids bad processed food than to teach them a valuable life lesson.
I think what you taught them was extremely wasteful.