I am out of the kitchen and off to do some supermarket shopping in today’s video.
This should be fun!
How much do you buy at the enormous supermarkets where the vast majority of people buy most of their food today?
In this video, I will navigate you through the aisles of backside bulging processed foods to find the things that you can purchase that will enhance rather that harm your health.
I hope this video gets you thinking about where you can reduce your spending at the supermarket and better use that money elsewhere with small, local businesses and farms.
Healthy Supermarket Shopping (Is this even possible?)
More Information
My Asian Supermarket Adventure
Whole Foods: The Wal-Mart of Healthfood
We always buy organic bannanas. We can literally taste the difference , same with avacados . I also buy Arm and Hammer perfume free laundry soap at the grocery store . If you want to save money on produce start a garden . If you don’t have land, rent a spot. If you have kids, have them help! You will save lots of money AND get an education on how to grow and appreciate foods!
🙂 Sharon’s Natural Gardens
Hi! I bought some organic bananas about a week ago from publix and I was pretty disappointed. They didn’t taste as good as the regular ones.
I recently traveled to Washington DC for an extended length work-trip & went to whole foods to buy Kerry Gold butter, among other things for my stay. They didn’t have any!
When I got back home to Madison, WI I was shocked to find they didn’t have any Kerry Gold butter on the shelves either. I haven’t had a chance to check any other grocery stores in the area, (not many others had it before anyways) but does anyone know what happened? Anyone else experienced the same problem?
My Sam’s Club has it in their fancy cheese section, not with their other butters in their dairy section.
I should also add that when I was traveling in Australia a few years back, the bananas there were not very tasty at all no matter where I bought them and whether or not they were organic, so I realize there are likely vast differences in taste in bananas depending on where you live and where the bananas are coming from. Bananas seem to be universally tasty here in Florida where I live no matter where you buy them.
I eat organic bananas when they are on sale and I honestly don’t find any difference in taste between organic and non-organic.
When I go to the market, I read labels so it takes me forever to shop. Needless to say, I end up going shopping alone because my husband doesn’t like to spend an entire afternoon grocery shopping. He says I talk to myself and mutter with every item I pick up. I do, too. There is soy oil or some form of soy in almost every single “non-health related” food item in the stores these days. Some of them are even in the products at Health Food Stores. When I’m at the checkout it’s hard to me to keep my mouth shut when I see the absolute kerrrap people will buy. Like cases of bottled water, for instance. If they only knew.
One thing I must disagree with you about, however, is your statement regarding bananas. Once you eat a real organic banana it will be very difficult for you to eat anything else. They may be considered “less sprayed” but whatever the regular ones are sprayed with must be potent. I buy organic bananas practically by the bushel when they are on sale because I peel them, break them into halves and freeze them. Then I put 3 or 4 halves into my blender with some raw milk and a dash of quality Vietnamese Cinnamon. Instant banana shake. Loverly. Just loverly. Makes a nice cool breakfast drink on a hot summer morning, too. So, if you can, spend the extra on organic bananas. Besides, in my neck of the woods if something doesn’t sell they don’t continue to stock it, so I buy!
I almost cried when I heard you say bananas are a no spray crop. I was in Nicaragua and talked to these people, walked through their protest camps and saw the affects of the Nemagon pesticide simply from working with bananas. I certainly will not buy anything buy fair trade organic bananas. Check it out.
Hey and thanks for this video. We used this and the asian market video as part of our homeschool lesson today.
great! the moment you walked through the doors I was wondering when you would be shut down. 😉
I still buy og bananas..here’s why:
Hi Sarah – here in Georgia my local Publix carries a brand of eggs called The Country Hen. They are not local, but they are labeled Organic and Cage Free. The yolk are quite orange and the taste is very good, so I will buy them when I can’t get quality local eggs. Are you familiar with this brand?
HI Joanna, I have not heard of this brand of eggs before, but then again, I don’t really pay much attention to egg brands as I don’t buy them at the store most of the time unless my farmer is running low.
Awesome video! About the butter, I finally found a store here that carries KerryGold butter, but it is quite a drive. I was wondering if I bought a lot of it, if I could freeze it. Would it retain its nutrition?
Thanks, Julie
Hi Julie, freezing butter is fine. You lose a tiny bit of the nutrition, but it is not significant and well worth it if you can always have it on hand.