My friend Cat Raymond of the Farm- to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund called me recently to see if I could help with a promotional video which would coincide with the release of the new Farmageddon documentary.
I was eager to help with this project as the mission of the Farm- to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is inextricably intertwined with the success of the Local Food Movement across America.
Just as the Homeschool Legal Defense Association gave parents the courage to homeschool their children despite the potential for government harassment years ago, so to does the Farm-to- Consumer Legal Defense Fund give family farmers the peace of mind to continue with their important work with 24/7 legal help only a phone call away.
The last thing we need in the Local Food Movement is young people afraid to embark on a farming or local food distribution career for fear that all they’ve worked for could be unjustly taken away by government thugs without warning or legal premise.
This 6 minute promotional DVD which explains the Fund’s role, current projects and membership is now available for ordering on The Fund’s website.
Help Spread the Word!
Show this FREE introductory DVD at your next lecture, meeting, exhibit or Farmageddon FundRAISER.
With the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, farmers may farm alone but they never have to fight alone!
Sometimes I don’t receive RSS or email until the articles are 2 days old. It’s bad because then I’m commenting in the midst of sometimes 100 other comments. Tends to get lost in the shuffle – not that what I have to say is all that important, but still it’s a lot to read through when time is short. I thought maybe it was the Yahoo delivery. I’m sick of yahoo but the thought of changing my email addresses of almost 10 years is daunting, so I stay. Not to mention, I think they spy on every activity. Well, they won’t find much at my email because I read recipes, blogs like this one about food, blogs about health, and some political stuff (like Alternet and Grist and but they’d be bored stiff with what I normally read! Now if they decide to go to my forum, things get interesting!
I think if you subscribe with a gmail address you will get the notification of a new post the same day. I know that some subscribers get notification of a new article within an hour or two of it getting posted.
I also didn’t receive this on my RSS feed. Worth checking out.
The FTCLDF does such critically important work — bravo on the video!
I suggest FTCLDF add a link to watch the video on their membership page, linked above. Also, I didn’t get my usual notification about this blog post today. Maybe that’s why there are so few comments this late in the day? It’s definitely worth checking into and sending or resending to everyone — far and wide!!
Sarah, thanks for the reminder! I am posting the link to the farm-to-consumer legal defense fund on my blog. Can I use your Youtube video as well for a blog post? I will certainly link back to you!
Hi Jen, absolutely. This video is free and the intention is for it to be shared as much as possible.
Video: Spread the Word to Protect Our Farmers! – The Healthy Home Economist