The dazzling array of kitchen gadgets and equipment on the market can make the task of setting up one’s kitchen for Traditional Cooking seem an overwhelming and expensive undertaking.
This need not be the case!
In my newest video lesson, which I filmed for the Weston A. Price Foundation (please click here to become a subscriber of their YouTube Channel), I show you exactly how to set up your kitchen quickly and inexpensively!  The equipment shown in the video consists of exactly the same type of items I use in my own kitchen. These items easily meet all the needs I have for cooking meals from scratch day in and day out for my family of five.
What type of equipment do you find indispensable in your kitchen when preparing traditional meals? Do you have a favorite appliance? Please share your ideas!
For a complete transcript of this video, click here.
Hi Sarah,
Can you tell me what stainless steel pots you use, the small pots and the stock pots? If possible do you have a link to them? Thanks!
Not sure if this will be seen by anyone given that all the posts are over a year old but I thought I would still try . . . is corningware safe? I know ceramic stoneware is safe but I just noticed that Corningware is made in China so I want to make sure I ask before I start baking bread in the new loaf pan I just purchased (but can easily return!)?
Hi Sarah – I am interested in the grind feature of your food processor. How well does it grind nuts? thanks, Pam