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Mary Newport has much reason to celebrate these days.
After helplessly watching her 58 year old husband rapidly degenerate into severe dementia only 5 years after MRI diagnosis with Alzheimer’s, Dr. Newport decided to pursue unorthodox treatment of his condition with virgin coconut oil (not refined!) instead of the expensive drug Axena which has the drawback of producing intestinal distress in some patients and wears off within just a few hours of ingestion.
Mary Newport, a neonatal pediatrician at Spring Hill Regional Hospital in Florida, learned through research that the active ingredient in Axona is MCT, also known as Medium Chain Triglycerides, a saturated fat used to treat epilepsy as well as in neonatal feeding programs.
Since Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is loaded with MCTs, Dr. Newport began an intensive feeding program for her husband that consisted of a mixture of 2 TBL virgin coconut oil and the MCT pharmaceutical isolate with every meal. Interestingly, this regimen also assists with sensible and steady weight loss.
Within 35 days, Steve Newport’s rapid neurological decline was arrested and 18 months later he had recovered enough brain function and normal behavior to test as only a mild case of Alzheimer’s – the same tests which before starting the VCO feeding program had indicated that he was borderline severe dementia.
As a bonus, Steve Newport’s cholesterol profile has improved significantly by adding this healthy saturated fat to his diet with good cholesterol (HDL) going up and bad cholesterol (LDL) going down.
Dr. Newport now travels all over the United States relaying the remarkable story of her husband’s recovery from borderline severe dementia using VCO to essentially rebuild his brain.
She is a strong advocate for continued research into the use of MCTs as a therapy for those with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and other debilitating neurological diseases.
Coconut Oil Provides SuperFuel to the Brain
Dr. Bruce Fife, author of Stop Alzheimer’s Now, recommends VCO instead of MCT drugs such as Axona because the drugs become ineffective over time, wear off quickly, have side effects and cause free radical damage to the cells.
When the MCTs in virgin coconut oil are converted into ketones they act as a super fuel for the brain. This super fuel provides energy to the brain as well as stimulates healing and repair.
It is the chemical structure of the MCTs in coconut oil that allows them to pass the blood-brain barrier which ordinary food or oils cannot.
How to Source Quality Virgin Coconut Oil
If someone you love is suffering from a neurodegenerative illness, help them by adding virgin coconut oil to their diet! The research is showing what Traditional Cultures such as those in the Pacific Islands have known for centuries – coconut oil helps keep you healthy!
To source, please refer to my healthy shopping list page which identifies companies that offer only the finest organic Virgin Coconut Oil from sustainable sources available in convenient coconut oil capsules too!
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Source: The Philippine Inquirer, A Cure for Alzheimer’s
An option to patients that have diarrhea with the ingestiony,of coconut oil,can be the massages in the thin skin of the arms and/or legs of Elders,with extra virgin coconut oil,as a source of ketones.As we can see bellow, extra virgin coconut oil has a proved great trans-cutaneous absortion in thin skins.
1) Article :
“TRANSCUTANEOUS ABSORTION OF TOPICALLY MASSAGED OIL IN NEONATES “(TKirti Solanki and colleagues,University of Pune,India ,in the Journal Indian Pediatrics 2005,we can read :
“Coconut Oil (rich in Medium-Chain Triglycerides-MCT),is easily metabolised in the body.Five mililiters (a tea spoon) of the coconut oil was massaged on surfaces of the body of the baby four times a day,with smooth massage for approximately 10 minutes each time , for 5 days.The Topically Applied Oil can be Absorbed in Neonates for Nutritional Purposes.
The fatty acid constituents of the oil influence the changes in the fatty acid profiles of the massaged babies.(proving the trans-cutaneous absortion).
2) Article :
Authors : K. Sankaranarayanan and the Journal Indian Pediatrics 2005:
” Coconut oil Massage resulted in significantly Greater weight gain velocity as Compared to mineral oil and placebo in the Preterm Babies group; and in the Term Baby group, as Compared to the placebo.
Preterm infants receiving Coconut Oil Massage also showed a greater length gain velocity compared to placebo group.(Proving the efficacy of massages to the trans-cutaneous absortion of the coconut oil).
Based in :
Article : Carnitine Supplementation and Ketogenesis by Small-For-Date Neonates on Medium- and Long-Chain Fatty Acid Formulae , published in the Journal Bology of Neonate , 2000 ,authors Labadaridis J ., as we can read that :
” Carnitine is a key molecule in energy production from various substrates.”
“Although it is generally believed that it plays no role in the metabolism of medium-chain triglycerides, quite a few data exist to the contrary. In the present study we investigated the effect of carnitine on ketogenesis in small-for-date neonates fed formulae of equal caloric value and fat content that was predominantly long-chain triglycerides or medium-chain triglycerides (46% of total fat).”
According to our results there was a statistically significant interaction between carnitine and the chain length of the administered fat with respect to ketone production.’
” Increased ketogenesis was only shown by the neonates receiving medium-chain triglycerides and carnitine. Our results provide further evidence for the involvement of carnitine in medium-chain triglyceride metabolism.”
One of family friend need advice to give virgin coconut oil to her mother who is.sufering from dementia from last 6 to 7 years and up to what quatity it may be given to the patient of dementia
It may be given along with regular diet
I tried reading all the comments but they were just too many. Just want say that I tried coconut oil just for experimenting, I’ve been trying to learn the 46 Japanese katakana letters for the past 2 years but I just couldn’t retain it long enough to actually be able to read with it.
So I first tested my self then started with 2 tsp. Initial score 23 out of 46, then 32/46 a couple days later, then 46/46 within the week of the first test. That was Awesome!
Started coconut oil, not even Virginia oil, I’d brought plain edible grade oil for oil pulling. What more, a month later I can still remember all the letter and I can read and make words from the titles on Japanese animes.
I’d intended learn the katakanas for exercising my brain but now I’m encouraged to actually go ahead and learn hiragana letters too. Last night downloaded a Japanese phrase app from Google play, something I thought I could never handle but my results were good. I’m seriously thinking of studying it.
In have dementia in my family and I was slowly accepted the fa t that I would loose my memory and end up na vegetable like my grandfather and a great aunt.
Also I am going to invest in VCO, I think the results will be even more remarkable.
Please people, take it and try it. Just try it, it doesn’t cost much and has hundreds of uses. The oil pulling saved my teeth, cured my hpylori and bad breath. So as a service to my fellow human beings, I share my experience with others where ever I can.
To the skeptics I say, I wish I wasn’t so skeptical. Took me 2 years to start oil pulling and had two root canals which are bothering me even now but no more dental problems since I started the oil pulling. Not seen the dentist since 2011. I’m a herbal tea enthusiast the downside of which is seeing the dentist every 6 months to clean the stains, but not anymore.
so natal east try it, mix it with something and eat it. And pray for me when you see results.
I started using coconut oil about 2 years ago ,I put it in my coffee in the morning, about two tablespoons,,, I haven’t had a sinus problem in two years… My mom has dementia and I started giving her a little in her food and there was a noticeable difference in her speech,, Her responding to what someone was saying to her was different- much more appropriate,,A reversal,,, I don’t know,,, but a great improvement,,,I will continue to use it myself and for my mom ,,really glad to know about coconut oil
Hey Linda that’s great to hear.
I actually did a review of the evidence on my site recently. There’s promising research for MCT oil improving symptoms or prolonging progression, but none specifically using coconut oil yet.
In saying that, there is a trial currently recruiting participants, and it will use coconut oil specifically on dementia sufferers.
I suspect the results will be promising!
Hi Linda, how is your dear Mother doing after more months have passed on coconut oil? My father is dealing with dementia just now and I’m looking for good news somewhere.
I’m sold on the benfits of coconut oil and have been for a long time. However, you refer to Mary Newport as “Mrs.” and then advise that she is a physician. Shouldn’t you refer to her as Dr. Newport? Just sayin’ 🙂
I need about a quart
the other point is, making changes in conjunction with adding some of these things like coconut oil ALS and Alzheimer patients normally carry a very high xenobiotic train (chem trail) in the body tissues, heavy metals etc. there are multiple aspects that need to be incorporated and changed in ones diet & lifestyle to bring about a greater health change and start the healing process. There is never going to be a just do or take “this” aspect that is going to heal or change something in the body. The body is way more intricate than that.
True, but apparently the coconut oil was all this man needed. We do not know if she made other changes to his diet. Surely can’t hurt to remove sugar and eat lower carbs etc. But the focus here is adding coconut oil if suffering from dementia. How one can change their life style is a whole other complicated discussion.
Thanks Sherry Ortiz! After reading this, it sounds like something we should all be doing. I’m going to get some this weekend and give it a try. Zendra Ellen Nichols do you know about this?
Could you give further info of the “and the MCT pharmaceutical isolate with every meal.” Was this something in addition to the coconut oil? I remember reading earlier in the article that the oil was the MCT so I was a little confused by this part of the remedy. Thanks for clarifying.