One of the most important local food supporting fundraisers for the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund each year takes place at Ground Zero of the sustainable farm movement in the United States:
Polyface Farm in the Shenandoah Valley of beautiful western Virginia, home to best selling author/farmer Joel Salatin who is featured in the award winning documentary Food Inc. and in food writer/guru Michael’s Pollan’s book Omnivore’s Dilemma.
This year, the fundraiser is officially known as Food Freedom Fest, also known as local food paradise.
Here’s what local food paradise looks like ….
When you first arrive at local food heaven, Polyface Farm, the big white tent stands out. This is where the farm to fork breakfast and luncheon take place as well as the inspiring after lunch program.
Kristina, our photographer, who generously donated these photos, is standing in front of the registration area as attendees arrive.
Here I am shortly after arriving at Polyface catching up with my good friend, Kim Schuette, Weston A. Price Chapter Leader of San Diego, California.
After an amazing breakfast buffet consisting of smoked salmon, egg casserole, salmon souffle, soaked muffins,pastured sausage, farm fresh yogurt with fixins, and of course, fresh grassfed milk, everyone loaded up on three large wagons loaded with hay bales for the grand tour of the farm with our host Joel Salatin.
At each stop on the tour, Joel Salatin gave an in depth, 15-20 minute explanation of how that particular farm rotation worked. Back and forth discussion with the tour attendees was encouraged with many taking the opportunity to pick Joel’s brain.
Listening to Joel was both entertaining (he is hilarious!) as well as incredibly informative. Â My brain was in overdrive!
Joel has an arrangement to allow his neighbor’s cows to graze on part of his land alongside his cows.
With my new friend Jubilee, a Polyface intern, in front of the Raken house (rabbit-chicken house). Amazing set-up designed by Daniel Salatin, Joel’s son. The raken house is the subject of a new short film directed by Kristin Canty who also directed Farmageddon.
After the tour which took a couple of hours, it was back to the big tent for lunch. Pastured pork, chicken, baked beans, and many other selections tantalized our tastebuds! Everyone got very excited when dessert was brought out which consisted of peach cobbler and grassfed ice cream!
A visit to the Polyface Farm Store was an absolute must! If I lived anywhere within 3 hours of Polyface, I would make it a point to drive in every month or so and load up!
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
When is the raffle drawing? And when is the last minute to buy a ticket? I see the deadline was extended but I don’t know till when. Thank you.