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The results of independent, third-party testing results of Vitaclay slow cookers for heavy metals including lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury.

I first started using the Vitaclay line of slow cookers nearly 10 years ago.
In addition to writing a Vitaclay review of my experiences, I’ve also posted a number of recipes that use it over the years.
Suffice it to say that I love my Vitaclay slow cookers!
I have all three sizes and use them for various tasks including making slow cooker bone broth, one-step soaked/cooked overnight oatmeal, and slow cooker raw yogurt (that is perfect every single time).
Vitaclay Lead Contamination?
While I’ve been very happy with my Vitaclay experience for many years, I’ve occasionally received emails of concern as well as comments on related posts regarding the safety of the Zisha clay used in the manufacturing process.
Here are a few of these messages from concerned readers over the years:
“Where is the clay sourced from for the VitaClay cooker? I’ve heard that it is contaminated with lead.”
“I see a lady named Tamara saying the inside component of Vitaclay contains lead. Already my concern is that clay pots absorb a lot, and tend to be porous. Sarah, are you at all concerned about this?”
“I was sold until I heard clay was from China. I know they claim lead-free but what about other heavy metals?Do they test for other toxins such as cadmium etc.?”
Tests Free of Heavy Metals
While I’ve answered these concerns individually for many years, I thought I would post the latest Vitaclay tests from October 2023.
Hopefully, this will put the issue to bed once and for all!
The bottom line is that Vitaclay Zisha clay pots have never tested unsafe with any heavy metal including lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury.
The testing was performed by a third-party independent lab.
Results from 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2023 have all come back clean. Click here to see all the test results.
Below is the latest analysis from October 2023.
Thus, internet claims of Vitaclay being dangerous due to lead contamination (apparently based on tests in a home lab) are unfounded.

What About the Cooking Element?
With the safety of the Vitaclay pots tested regularly by a third party and safety consistently ensured, let’s talk about the cooking element and other base components.
It is important to note that this portion of the appliance is also safe, even though this is less of a concern because it never contacts the food.
To guarantee safety, Vitaclay selects only the safest, highest-quality materials for the base components used in its cookers.
The safety tests conducted on the Vitaclay base components are in accordance with the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) and Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL) standards. (1-3)
I hope this information is helpful to any of you who may have been concerned or dissuaded from trying Vitaclay.
In my experience using them for many years, Vitaclay continues to be the best brand of slow cooker on the market. These cookers combine efficiency with safety and beauty on the countertop for all your traditional cooking needs.
With Instant Pot recently filing for bankruptcy, more people than ever should be taking a look at Vitaclay. It is a better alternative to the risks of pressure cooking, with the potential for excessive glutamate. Some people are intolerant of glutamate (especially those with gut imbalances and/or on gut-healing diets).
Note that for many years, Vitaclay has offered the coupon Wise25 for whichever model you wish to try or gift.

(1) UL Solutions’ Appliance Testing and Certification
(2) Electrical Laboratory Services Materials Testing
(3) UL vs ETL certifications: What’s the difference?
How do I figure out is who is wrong … can you help please ..these say test were done as well
That article is from 2018 and it is my understanding that this test was done in a home lab. Vitaclay has had multiple tests over the years (2018, 2020, 2021, and 2023) from an independent third party, certified lab that have always come back clean. If I had any doubts whatsoever about Vitaclay, I would not have been using them for almost 10 years now.
I’ve been using the same old Hamilton Beach slow cooker for over 15 years. It’s been my primary vessel for slow-cooking a chicken and then turning around and using it for another 14 – 18 hours making bone broth. Then I started hearing about lead leaching from the ceramic “crocks”. I was diagnosed with VERY high levels of lead a few years ago. My doctor asked me what I was doing to have such high levels? I had no idea, so I kept researching and learning from people, like you, that do an incredible amount of research (and who I trust). Unfortunately I was not able (financially) to invest in the Vita Clay (6 qt size) until recently. I’d saved and saved and finally purchased one and received it last week. I’ve already prepared a whole chicken, chicken broth and chili in it! I LOVE the balance between the Instant Pot high-heat pressure for quickness and the s-l-o-w cooker method. I suppose if I still held a full-time job, the slow-cooker would still come in handy. But, I’m retired and the Vita Clay works great for me. Thanks for all the research you do. It means a lot to those of us who are always researching ourselves and trying to do the best we can – not only for ourselves, but for our family.
I solely use my vitaclay for broth. Yogurt has never turned out, and beans in it never cook through properly either despite following their manual. It makes excellent broth though so I keep it. Shrug!
Raw yogurt works best in the small Vitaclay.
I don’t see what the bankruptcy of Instant Pot has to do with switching to Vitally. I am listening to your other points. Can you share more on the unsafe use of stainless steel please?
Instant Pot filing for bankruptcy makes maintenance and customer service a potential issue going forward. I personally wouldn’t want to buy a product where the company is having financial troubles.
This article is about stainless steel safe cooking.
Excuse me.. I meant to say “enameled cast iron”, not ceramic.
Is using a Le Crueset ceramic pot acceptable for making bone broth?
I have not examined that particular brand of stockpot. You will need to reach out to the manufacturer about the manufacturing process and materials used to make the enamel.
Hi Sara,
So do we then have 2 slow cookers? A clay one and a stainless steel for making broth?
Making broth in stainless is not recommended due to the nickel leaching risks. I only have Vita-Clay slow cookers… the slow cooker in the picture that looks like a stainless steel model is actually a Vita-Clay… if you pop open the lid, there is a clay pot in there 🙂
Hi Sara, I recently saw a post from Food Babe (love what the both of you do!)
In regards to lead slow cookers. She recommends stainless steal. I obviously want the BEST for my family. Which is better stainless or the clay you recommend?
I prefer clay to stainless steel because making anything acidic in stainless steel (like broth or tomato sauces) will be a leaching risk for nickel in the stainless steel (nickel is carcinogenic).
Thank you so much for this information. I have a Vitaclay pot and have been afraid to use it. Now I will again.
Love my Vitaclay smart cooker, stock pot, and yogurt maker. You were the one who introduced me to these fabulous appliances years ago. I tell everyone: “dump your instant pot, buy a vitaclay.” I use mine every day. Thanks for the great update, Sarah. Glad to know these beloved appliances remain safe.