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Examination of walnut oil as an important exception to the toxic “seed oil” rule with a high amount of inflammation-reducing omega-3 fats and health benefits exceeding flaxseed oil.

In the early 1990s when I first began eating organic produce and clean meats, I discovered the wonders of walnut oil.
I was introduced to this high omega-3 oil by an Ayurvedic MD. She was coaching me on some very necessary diet and lifestyle changes to regain my health lost from a “burn the candle at both ends” corporate lifestyle.
Good Source of Omega-3 Fats
Prior to Dr. Wright’s recommendation to add walnut oil to my diet, I had never before heard about the health benefits of inflammation-reducing omega-3 fatty acids.
I certainly had never heard of cod liver oil. My introduction to the groundbreaking work of Dr. Weston A. Price was still quite a few years away.
I was delighted by the slightly nutty clean flavor of walnut oil.
So, I enthusiastically started using it daily with breakfast…a small amount drizzled over a bowl of cold breakfast cereal made with organic amaranth. 🙄
Boxed cereal is definitely not the best way to start the day, but I still had a lot to learn back then!
However, I was moving in the right direction and even a small amount of progress in my diet proved to be extremely helpful to my health!
Walnut Oil is Far Healthier than Flaxseed
When it comes to plant forms of omega-3 fats, flax oil is the usual choice. Walnut oil is usually not even considered for some reason.
However, flax oil is known to sometimes exacerbate hormonal issues.
This observation from Raine Saunders, author of Agriculture Society and Heal Your Gut With Food, touches on the subject:
Something I try to be mindful of are foods which are very high in estrogenic properties. Even natural foods like flax seeds and flax oil, like many other foods (soy, sesame seeds (oil), and various beans), are very high in estrogen and can make certain health issues worse such as fibroids or fibrocystic breast conditions.
Even if you have a traditional, balanced diet, even moderate consumption of these foods could be problematic anyway because of all the xeno-estrogens in our environment from plastics and other chemicals, which are increasingly pervasive in the world due to industry use and production of new chemicals.
Common side effects of women who consume flaxseed oil are cystic or sore breasts.
This can be a warning sign which is often missed by those who do not observe any connection between what they eat and how they feel.
Clearly, there are potential dangers of consuming flax in this modern age with all the estrogen-mimicking chemicals literally everywhere in our food, air, and water.
For this reason, walnut oil is a far better choice than flax oil for adding the plant form of omega-3 fats to the diet.
Note that plant-based omega-3 oils are never a good substitute for animal forms of omega-3 fats such as unrefined cod liver oil.
The animal form of omega-3 fats contains preformed versions (EPA and DHA) with no conversion by the body necessary for optimal use.
This means animal-based omega-3 fats are easier to digest and metabolize, contrary to conventional “wisdom” from plant-based “experts”.
How to Use
Like hemp seed oil, rice bran oil, pumpkin oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, some types of sunflower seed oil, and any other seed oils oil high in polyunsaturated fats, walnut oil is extremely delicate.
This means that it goes rancid easily with exposure to heat, light, and air.
After purchasing, a bottle of walnut oil must be kept in the refrigerator.
Moreover, never heat walnut oil or use it for cooking.
One or two teaspoons (no more!) added to a batch of homemade salad dressing adds delightful flavor and nutrition.
Remember that even though healthy, omega-3 fats are still polyunsaturated oils. This means they should comprise a very small percentage of the diet.
Be careful not to overdo!
If you’re looking for a good brand of walnut oil, I suggest this unrefined version.
Please note that walnuts are very slightly goitrogenic but far less so than flax.
Hence, if your thyroid is a problem, it may be best to stick entirely with animal-based omega-3 fats with virgin cod liver oil being my pick of the bunch.

More Information
The Many Shades of Palm Oil
Five Fats You Must Have in Your Kitchen
Selecting a Healthy Cooking Oil and Reusing it Safely
Caution When Using Chicken Fat for Cooking
Cooking with Olive Oil: Yea or Nay?
How Vegetable Oils Make Us Fat
Red Palm Oil Benefits Rival Coconut Oil
I just had appointment today with my Naturopath Oncologist and I asked her if flax would be ok or if it’s is something I should avoid because of the possiblity it could increase estrogen. I’m on hormone blockers to treat my breast cancer and didn’t want to take a chance on causing any increase in estrogen. She said it would be ok. I’ve been avoiding it so now I’m unsure.
Flax oil and especially flaxseed is not a good choice particularly for those with breast cancer! It is shocking how many physicians are clueless about this, even those who are trained in natural methods. More information in this article from a PhD Nutritionist.
Since walnuts are a whole food, wouldn’t it be best to eat them rather than take oil? Or, do we need the concentration contained in oil? Thank you so much. I love your work.
Either a small handful of soaked, dehydrated raw walnuts or a tsp of unrefined walnut oil added to salad dressings is fine if that’s easier or you can’t handle the fiber in nuts (some people with compromised digestion don’t tolerate the fiber in nuts well even if properly prepared).
There is segment on BLACK BELT TV | The Martial Arts Network call Power Nutrition that mentions all the same benefits of walnut oil mention in your article it’s good to know that walnut oil is a great substitute for flaxseed oil.
i have been using flax oil in dressings for many months because of finding out about all of the fake olive oil. many women on my mother’s side had male pattern hair loss. i have been shedding a lot lately and stumbled upon a board where people were commenting that flax was causing them to lose hair. so i stopped using the flax oil and found a good olive oil instead. i am not shedding as much already. now i read this, too. thanks for all of the great info!!
I was going through menopause last year and my period had stopped for several months. I started eating flax seed meal in muffins ( an instant food for celiac, pop in microwave), 2 tbsp per day say 5 days a week. Was loving it because had very positive affect on digestion….then the migraines, irritable, breasts really really hurt(agony)… And the i got my period back…my doc took hormone level test and estrogen was thru the roof!!! It took awhile to figure it was the flax becuase so much positive info about it. Took Dim and cold turkey the flax…took several months, but now i am happily on the other side of that misery..triggered viruses and epstein- barre…like high estrogen put sooooo much stress on my body!now i have chia seed in kombucha or in cocnut milk with hemp seed and shredded cocnut and have with berries for snack for the digestion. Thinking about Green Pasture Cod liver oil…my Irish grandmother always said take your cod liver oil…
Well, I tried walnut oil and had skin rashes. I’m not 100% sure if it was because of the walnut oil but I’ve stopped taking it. Strange because when I eat walnuts I don’t have this.
Who would have guessed about flax seed meal? Going thru the change this past year and all of a sudden started getting period again and migraines, gained weight, breasts hurt so much and felt awful. I was making muffins in a cup with 2 scoops flax meal…blood test revealed estrogen had shot up and neighbor brought it to my attention! It took a couple of months, but now estrogen low, no periods! Wow!
Your article mentions that Walnut Oil should not be heated or cooked with. Guess I should have read the article before I tried to cook with it. What happens to it when it is heated?
Oils turns carcinogenic when heated on high. They change they molecular structure. Butter & ghee & coconut oil are safe oils for high hears.