There is a sizeable community of people who practice raw veganism near where I live and these folks are hard core. Needless to say, these folks love the green smoothies diet.
This is easy to understand as those who embark on raw veganism typically feel fantastic for quite some time while eating this way. Raw veggies are extremely detoxifying! For several months or even a year or two, increased energy, clear skin and resistance to infection may be observed.
Is this because raw veganism is the right way to eat long term? Is the vegan Netflix film What The Health really on to something big?
Far from it.
Raw Veganism is for Cleansing the Body, Not Nourishing It!
Raw veganism is really a cleansing diet which helps to detoxify the body. It does not optimally nourish the body long term, however.
The raw, whole foods that vegans consume are certainly a huge leap forward from conventional processed foods and anyone would initially feel better eating raw vegan if he/she had been eating the Standard American Diet previously.
Over time, as the body becomes depleted of minerals, serious health issues start to emerge if raw veganism is continued.
This is because the fat soluble activators A, D, and K2 – only found in animal foods – supercharge mineral absorption and without these critical nutrients in the diet, mineral depletion and ill health is the inevitable result.
The bottom line? You can eat loads of mineral rich foods as a raw vegan and still be mineral starved.
Nutritional Deficiencies Rapidly Occur on a Raw Vegan Diet
Watch this 3 minute video below where Maria, a former fan of raw veganism and the creator of the Green Smoothie Challenge discusses her abrupt conversion to nutrient dense animal foods due to the health and tooth challenges she experienced after two years as a raw vegan. Her vegan catharsis came after reading Rami Nagel’s book Cure Tooth Decay.
You will be shocked how rapidly her health challenges resolved after she began to consume nutrient dense animal foods such as cod liver oil, raw butter, and organ meats.
If you know any folks that practice raw veganism, please forward this video. Folks who follow veganism are in serious denial about how this way of eating is going to eventually destroy their health if it hasn’t already and a testimonial from a former hard core vegan may be just what they need to realize that humans are not designed to subsist purely on plant foods.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
More Information
Angelina Jolie says veganism nearly killed her
12 Year old vegan has bones of an 80 year old
ahaha.what a bunch if bull**it.
absolute nonsense. human beings were made to eat one was born with an oven my dear.just like every specie in animal kingdom. another thing is that after eating dead poisonous food it take a few years for a body to restore to normal health. detoxifying takes years and you will feel bad sometimes ,it’s a given! please don’t post that rubbish if you don’t know the subject because it’s just ridiculous. i have been raw for many years,i have been pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby being on this diet. and he’s still being breastfed exclusively over 1 y.o.
so many uber conditioned people….
for any body who actually believes the crap that raw veganism is bad for you,
PLEASE. Watch that 😉
I have never ever had to take B12 supplements nor do I know any other vegans who actually do.
And btw, we do have the ability to digest grass, it’s called the appendix.
The appendix is the major part of the lymphatic system ( sewer system of the body ). It’s not for digesting grass.
Actually, the appendix is a hiding area for good bacteria during any bouts with gastroenteritis.
“The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes, and their connecting vessels as well as the tonsils, spleen and appendix. – Dr. Shavon Jackson-Michel, ND”. If that was the case ( hiding are for good bacteria), dysbiosis /fungal overgrowth of the intestines wouldn’t exist nor the need for fermented food’s since the beginning of time.
My appendix is gone. Guess I can’t eat grass.
plus check out
Megan Elizabeth, Kristina from fully raw, Dan the life regenerator, Durian Rider Free. Dr Cassar, Dr Douglas Graham etc.
There are many people who have been raw vegan for 10, 20+ years. Secondly, all this arguing about vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 comes from the soil, it is found in the soil- not in meat. All vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed to nourish the body are found in plants. Animals like the cow- which are vegetarian animals do not create iron for example in their body. It comes from what they eat or in the case of factory farming- what is injected in to them so by the by- all of the nutrients people eat meat and dairy to claim, come from plants to begin with. Secondly, why are humans drinking the milk of another mammal? We are the only species on the whole of the earth who steal the secrections of another animal to drink- it’s pretty sickening. If you want calcium a better source would be going straight to the Kale. If you eat kale you absorb a far more concentrated source of calcium and also gain 60%+ calcium from it, unlike cows milk in which you only gain 30% and less. The proteins in milk AND meat are dangerous to the human body. Casein, one of the main proteins in milk has been proven to help cancer cells grow in all trimesters (the china study). Why do humans feel the need to forcefully impregnate a cow, steal her child, slaugher him if he’s a boy and use her as a milk machine if she is a girl? Why do you think it’s okay to put another living creature through that, just because you want her puss, bacteria, cancer causing milk? If humans were supposed to drink milk after childhood then it would be their own mothers milk or other human milk. Humans need to be able to digest the sugars in milk which the body is unable to do properly are weaning off of human milk. Thirdly, why do you think it is okay to be part of a holocaust every day because it’s not humans that are suffering? Raising animals for food uses far too much water and food. We could stop world hunger if the whole western world stopped eating meat- but no, far too greedy for that. It is causing problems to the earth in it’s self- causing more green house gases than cars, buses and planes put together.
At the end of the day- meat eating is unstatainable, cruel and unneccesary.
You’re very ignorant. The bacteria in animals digestive tracts produce b12 when given cobalt. Grasses are very high in cobalt for example. A cow eat’s the grass, the bacteria consume the cobalt from the digested grass, produce b12, and the animal absorbs this. The b12 in even healthy soil is so low it wouldn’t even be near the mdr. Before the luxury of supplements, if you became b12 deficient for whatever reason you surely would be eating meat to fix it. Not only that but most of these “plant” b12 sources are analogues and actually inhibit true b12 absorption. Animals eat other animals. Do you go to zoo’s and preach to lions that they’re destroying the earth? Last time I checked they aren’t going to supermarkets to buy vegetables, and fruit. They’re eating other animals. Its the circle of life. Herbivores don’t produce HCL. If you fed them meat only they would die quickly as they cannot extract the nutrients. Humans can, very easily. This shows we are omnivorous. But wait, ” carnivores eat meat raw, humans can’t”. Last time I checked , many people eat sushi. Does it come out the other end as a whole fish? Not to be disgusting, but if you eat corn it will come out there other end intact. Why? Because you can’t digest the cellulose. It goes right through. So why isn’t this meat doing the same? By the way your comment about the appendix is ridiculous. Humans have a lymphatic system. The sewer system of the body ( drains into kidneys, kidney elimination dependent on adrenals), and the appendix is huge part of that. It’s not for digesting freaking grass. You raw vegan people follow a cult, and try to convince others to follow along. Problem is, you guys are very ignorant, and you follow ” guru’s ” who make things up without actual evidence of their claims.
You raw vegans need to also look into amylase. Why would we produce an enzyme n needed to digest cooked starchy root vegetables?
The very next thing that I saw in my newsfeed after this post was a status from my sister-in-law saying that her naturopath (well known locally as a Hallelujah Diet advocate) had put on a on a raw vegan diet for hormone imbalance. 🙁
President Clinton isn’t totally vegan. He eats fish two times/month.
After try&error with different ways of eating I found WAPF. It made sense too me b/c it is based on human evolution. And it tastes so good yammi!
A good day starts with bacon and butter 😉
After five years of veganism, I do feel a responsibility to let people know that it was NOT good for my health. I did everything right, hardly ate any processed food at all, ate organic and local, made everything form scratch… And supplemented! I couldn’t figure out why I was getting fat and sick when my diet was so “perfect.” I recant! Eating a traditional, grain-free diet has led to so many wonderful changes in my health and mood. I don’t feel a need to get into arguments about theories and philosophies– I have lived it.