I wrote a few years ago about how to foil biometric data gathering while shopping.
Now, biometric data collection is out in the open and even considered cool by those consumers already embracing it.
In a scenario that seems straight out of the Book of Revelation, people are paying for their groceries at Whole Foods by scanning the palm of their hand. (1, 2)
Forgot your purse at home? No worries slave! No credit card or phone is needed.
Biometric payment can be done one of two ways:
- Implanting a chip in your hand (most people won’t do this … at least not yet).
- Enroll in Amazon One and connect it to your Amazon Prime account. Wave your palm over an Amazon One Palm Scanner at Whole Foods and voilà. You can now pay for your groceries with “mark of the beast” convenience.
By the end of 2023, all Whole Foods will have this “feature” in place for the convenience (enslavement?) of their unwitting customers.
My recommendation is NOT to enroll in this program and for heaven’s sake, DO NOT scan your palm at Whole Foods so that your biometrics is in their database.
Protect your biometrics folks. Something that is convenient today could be used as a weapon later. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Of course, Amazon assures us that you can “trust Amazon One” and that your data is “safe” and won’t be shared or sold to anyone else.
Famous last words!
Excuse me, but only fools would put their trust in corporations, especially one with such a predatory history. Trust is for people, not brands!
Here’s the spin designed to dupe you into signing up and getting your palm scanned.
Through Amazon One, you have a unique palm signature that is securely stored on AWS Cloud and completely encrypted. Without your consent, your palm scan cannot be replicated or used. Amazon promises not to sell this information to third parties, marketing companies, or government agencies. (3)
Don’t you just love the “Amazon promises” line? I remember a few other things Amazon “promised” not to do, yet they did it within a few short years down the road because the business climate “changed”.
Check out the video below of this influencer paying for her Whole Foods groceries with her palm and thinking it’s “the coolest thing ever”.
Just wow. It seems that as long as the chains that bind are convenient and comfy, people will gladly accept and even embrace them.
I’ll keep spending my food dollars locally with farmers and independent businesses and shopping as little as possible with these predatory globalist corporations.
(1) Woman uses chip in her hand to pay for groceries’ and it’s creeping people out
(2, 3) Pay At Whole Foods With A Wave Of Your Hand by the end of 2023
Although the Bible warns us of the coming beast system, it’s still incredible that we’re the generation to see it developing. When time allows, look into Sam Altman’s new crypto called Worldcoin which is linked to an iris scanning system using a creepy silver Orb that’s already available in 18 countries so far. Over 2 million people have voluntarily scanned their irises into this system!!! Economist George Gammon has a very good YouTube video about Worldcoin and the Orb. It’s very sobering.
I was just at the WF in Fairview, TX yesterday (8/12) and noticed that while checking out there is a screen that appears to be capturing your facial biometrics(?)! I rarely shop there but it was on my way and I needed to grab something to bring to a lake outing. I was not asked to give consent. I’ll not go back.
Oh my! That is extremely concerning!
Unfortunately if you’re out in public anyone has the constitutional right to videotape you. It’s an creepy Americanist value/law but hey you’re supposedly free here, right?!
Reply to Jam:
It’s one thing to videotape someone. It’s another to gather their biometric data –a literal digital map of your face, or an iris scan, etc…..
When are they going to recognize that our biometric data should be automatically included as part of our private health information. (??) It should be understood that we OWN our biometric and private health data.
Yep. Already installed here in the Bay Area. Crazy!
I knew this was coming some day but I had no idea that it’s already here. Thank you Sarah for alerting us to this. As always, you are are a true “watchman” in the spirit of Ezekiel 33. Now it’s up to us to heed your warning!
It’s positively scary thinking of how many people will line up like sheep saying, “That’s the coolest thing ever”, just like the naive person in the video.
God help us!!!
Yes, so many will do it without a second thought even after all that has happened to violate our rights over the last 3 years.
I have come to the conclusion that some people actually enjoy living in bondage.
I agree, anyone doing this is a complete fool. Unfortunately there exist more fools than those with sense. This country seems to be mostly made up of adult, entitled children that require “playtime” no matter what they’re doing. I see this as a new toy they can’t wait to use. Hope this fails just like Amazon’s cashier free stores that are closing everywhere.
I hope you are right!
When you’re starving you’ll may do many things you never thought you’d do. Prayer and penance in the presence of God through the Immaculata is only way out of this nightmare society we’ve allowed!