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Today’s generation of children could aptly be called Generation A where the “A” stands for allergies. Food intolerances and of all kinds are rampant with the very first frequently becoming apparent when a formula-fed infant demonstrates an allergy to commercial milk-based formula. The typical recommendation by a conventional doctor in this case? Put baby on a soy formula such as Isomil or ProSobee immediately.
About 25% of American babies are fed soy infant formula according to the website of Dr. Sears.
Elemental infant formula might also be suggested, but these are usually reserved for preterm infants and those with specific medical problems such as severe allergies to both milk and soy. Elemental formulas also tend to be foul-tasting compared with milk or soy-based formula and babies tend to reject them for this reason.
Many parents make the switch to soy formula in haste hoping to ease the digestive discomfort their child is experiencing on commercial milk formulas not realizing the full implications of their decision.
In some cases, parents may never even try a dairy formula at all if a milk allergy already runs in the family. There is no evidence that using soy formula reduces the risk of a dairy allergy later, however. For this reason, the Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against the use of soy formula in infants who are potentially allergic to cow’s milk. A milk-based formula should still be the first choice even in those situations.
The Three Reasons Why Soy Formula is So Bad for Babies
The primary problems with soy protein found in non-dairy commercial formulas are threefold: trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid, and phytoestrogens.
Trypsin Inhibitors
These are proteins found in plentiful amounts in soybeans that inhibit digestion and absorption of nutrients. They are large in size and require the application of high heat for appreciable periods of time to neutralize.
The industrialized process of producing soy infant formula deactivates the majority of trypsin inhibitors. Unfortunately, some remain and even in low amounts, they have been found to prevent normal growth in rats. Given that a baby’s brain grows at its most rapid rate the first year of life, growing to about 75% percent of adult size (it is 25% of adult size at birth), even slight retardation of growth could be devastating to the development of the brain and nervous system.
Note that protease inhibitors in soy are also an issue, as they greatly hinder the digestion of protein. Potential harm to the pancreas is another grave risk.
Phytic Acid
Phytic acid is an organic acid, which like trypsin inhibitors, is present in large amounts in soybeans. Phytates are present in the outer portion of all seeds and block the absorption of critical minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and particularly zinc. Phytic acid is also extremely irritating to the digestive tract.
Unlike other seeds, soybeans have extremely high amounts of a type of phytic acid. This anti-nutrient is particularly resistant to deactivation. Researchers testing soy formula in 1967 found that soy formula caused zinc deficiency in every single infant who received it. Again, this is due to the mineral blocking effect of phytates within the digestive system.
Zinc is known as the intelligence mineral because it is critical for the optimal development and functioning of the brain and nervous system. As a result, deficiency of this nutrient in infants at a time when the brain is growing at its most rapid rate could have lifelong implications and possibly reduce IQ.
Phytoestrogens or Isoflavones
Phytoestrogens represent the most serious problem with soy infant formula. These estrogen-like compounds have the potential to disrupt the baby’s hormonal system for life.
According to the Weston A. Price Foundation:
Toxicologists estimate that an infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day. By contrast, almost no phytoestrogens have been detected in dairy-based infant formula or in human milk, even when the mother consumes soy products. A recent study found that babies fed soy-based formula had 13,000 to 22,0000 times more isoflavones in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula.
Soy Formula Health Problems for Boys
Flooding of an infant boy’s bloodstream with female-like hormones has the potential to cause serious developmental problems at puberty. During the first few months of life, a baby boy has testosterone levels that could be as high as that of an adult male. This “testosterone surge” readies the baby boy’s hormonal system for puberty both for normal development of the sexual organs and also patterns of male behavior.
Could soy infant formula be responsible for the increasing problem of boys where physical maturation is delayed or even completely absent with retarded development of the sexual organs?
Soy Formula Health Problems for Girls
Baby girls fed soy infant formula may suffer negative hormonal impact as well from early soy exposure. In a 2011 published study, time-to-menarche was assessed in nearly 3,000 girls.
Those girls identified as early soy-fed via soy infant formula had a 25% increased risk of menarche specifically in early adolescence.
Early sexual development in girls can herald serious problems with the reproductive system later in life such as unexplained infertility and breast cancer.
Research from 2012 published in Biology of Reproduction’s Papers-in-Press describes the effects of plant estrogens found in soy on the mouse oviduct. The study was specifically designed to model the effects of soy-based baby formula on human infants. The results of the study suggest that exposure to estrogenic chemicals in the womb or during childhood has the potential to negatively affect a woman’s fertility as an adult.
Organic Soy Formula No Protection from Soy Dangers
Some parents mistakenly believe that genetically modified soy is the main problem and that buying organic soy formula is protective for their infant.
Nothing could be further from the truth. While organic soy formula does indeed provide a better quality source of soy, organic soy still has the same problems as GMO soy. Trypsin and protease inhibitors, high levels of phytic acid, and large amounts of hormone-disrupting plant estrogens can devastate the baby’s digestive development and hormones potentially for life!
Healthy Options to Soy Formula
Parents wishing to provide the highest quality formula for their baby should breastfeeding not be an option should consider a homemade formula made from grass-fed raw cow milk.
If cow milk is a problem, goat milk formula can be tried instead. Goat milk has a slightly different fat composition and protein profile that is easier for some babies to digest. Please note that powdered goat milk is not recommended. The powdering process denatures the fragile proteins in goat milk. Powdered goat milk is not as nutritious as whole raw goat milk. Moreover, the chances are high that it will cause an allergenic response in the baby at some point.
If all dairy even if unprocessed and grass-fed is still problematic, a homemade nondairy formula based on homemade bone broth can be utilized instead.
Thousands of mothers have successfully used these homemade formulas with their babies in recent decades with excellent results!
Weaning after Formula
One more point of note. When your child is ready to be weaned off homemade formula at one year old, skip the soymilk! Soy as a food or beverage is not any more appropriate for toddlers than it is for babies! If your child is allergic to raw milk from pastured animals (best choice), wean him/her onto a nutritious milk substitute instead.
How neonatal plant estrogen exposure leads to adult infertility
Soy Formulas?
More Information
Estrogenic Foods, Herbs, and Supplements
Soy Lecithin in Baby Formula
what are the long term affects of soy formula on boys does it cause a permanent nutritional deficiencies ? what should I be concerned about if my son was breastfed for 3 months then put on soy formula and is now 22 years old
The biggest risk comes at puberty … when the hormonal imbalance manifests most strongly. However, if your son is 22 and has developed fine, then likely no worries from here on. However, he might run into the problem of low sperm count in the future if he and a partner are attempting to have children.
I do beg to differ. Not every single person who consumes soy suffers Ill effects during puberty. My parents were both raised on soy milk, as were my two brothers, my sister and I. None of us have any complaints. My sister got her period at 13 and I did at 14. We are both in our 20s now, and always had regular periods, minimal acne and very mild cramps if any at all. My sister actually had twins two years ago, so no fertility problems there.
I have a lot of friends who were also raised on soy milk and to this day are perfectly fine and healthy…. In fact, 3 of my friends have pcos and they were raised on dairy milk and drink dairy regularly. Cow’s milk actually had a lot more hormones than the weak phytoestrogens in soy. I am not trying to oppose your article. I’m just informing others that everyone reacts differently. Have a good day 🙂
A baby fed on soy formula is far more problematic (especially the first six months of life when that is the exclusive food) that simply drinking soy milk growing up as you describe. That is what this article is about!
I have a seven month old son and had been supplementing with soy formula. Started when he was 3 months until 6 and a half months. He didn’t get it every day, usually when I was at work on the weekends and maybe a couple of other times during the week. Will the hormones leave his system? Should I do a heavy metal detox? Just needing to know what my steps should be to get this out of his system. Any advice? Thank you in advance for a reply!
Age 24 girl, 21 aged boy, both had trouble digesting milk so were grown up with soy milk. Major health problems arose at puberty. Effecting mental state as well. Is there connection with infant soy milk exposure. Desperate for answers, any suggestions as what to do now? Get hormone tests?
You will need to reach out to a doctor in your area who specializes in soy recovery. Heavy metal toxicity is a common problem from soy, so it would need to encompass more than just hormone tests.
Hi Sarah – I’m not sure if anyone else has asked this in the thread below – but is there an alternative to soy oil in infant formulas for infants who use milk-based formula, not soy formula? I know soy oil is an ingredient in almost all infant formulas, organic or not. Wondering if the effects of soy are just as harmful in milk-based formulas where it’s not the main ingredient. Thanks.
Yes, the alternative if you must use formula is to make it yourself with healthy fats.
16 months don’t need milk, need real food, go on youtube and learn how to make baby food out of steamed veggies.
Our baby boy only got soy based formula, no breast milk or anything else. After 4 months we switched him to steamed veggies as fast as we could. With 1 year, our doc said, not healthy to be vegan, should at least feed eggs. So we did blood test and every value was absolutely perfect. We never had this topic with this doc. Baby boy is 4 and perfect healthy.
I am glad your baby is doing fine, but unfortunately the damage done by soy formula does not show up until puberty. Yes, and you’re right. Pediatricians don’t tell the parents the dangers of soy formula despite there being plenty of alarming research on the subject.
have read your article and was wondering if so infant formula played a part in my daughter developing or being diagnosed with Pcos and endometriosis.
As a baby she would not breast feed and seemed to be allergic to infant dairy formulas. She constantly vomited, her doctor recommended soy infant formula, which she tolerated very well and the excessive vomiting ceased.
My daughter is now 29 years old and has been diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis.
As a child she developed pubic hair early and early menses which was always painful and irregular.
She also had cradle cap in enfancy and still struggles with dry itchy flaky scalp to this day which a determotologis has given her medication for.
So I am wondering if the soy milk played a part in this. And what can be done to alleviate her symptoms.
Your response would be greatly appreciated.
I have heard this story many times, and yes I firmly think that soy formula can produce PCOS for a young lady. You will need to reach out to a holistic practitioner in your area well versed in this condition. It is a difficult one to resolve and you need expert advice.
Hello, my sister has a baby boy 5 months old and has been feeding him on soy milk for about 3 months and now she has changed him to Aptamil gold formula.
Can you please tell me if there is anything we can do to clear him of having been fed the soy?
Nothing that can be done at this point from what I’ve come across in the research.
My daughter was fed soy formula as an infant. She is now 20 and struggles with missed periods and unexplained sudden weight gain and chronic constipation. I assume damage to her endocrine system has been done by my use of soy baby formula. What, if anything, can help her current hormone induced problems? I wish I never used soy . Feeling so guilty I caused these problems for her.