How to make L. reuteri yogurt using raw milk and without unhealthy prebiotic fiber that is inflammatory to the gut.
Crush ten tablets of BioGaia Gastrus (L. reuteri starter) with a mortar and pestle (or in a plastic ziplock bag and a rolling pin).
Place this powder starter in the bottom of your slow cooker of choice (I use a small Vitaclay for making yogurt).
Sprinkle the gelatin into 1 cup of cold, raw milk. Mix well to combine.
Blend the gelatin/milk mixture with 3 more cups of raw milk.
Pour the liquid slowly into the Vitaclay. Stir to blend the L. reuteri starter with the raw milk/gelatin mixture.
Put on th lid and turn on the Vitaclay, selecting the "yogurt" setting.
Let the yogurt ferment for 24 hours.
When the yogurt is finished, turn off the Vita-Clay and leave on the counter to fully set until room temperature.
Place the Vitaclay pot in the refrigerator and chill for 2 hours or longer.
Transfer the yogurt into a glass mason jar and store in the refrigerator.
Enjoy your thick, RAW L. reuteri yogurt in smoothies or in a bowl topped with fruit, nuts, or your choice of natural sweetener.