How to determine the best yogurt brands available in your area and if they are probiotically equivalent to making yogurt yourself at home.

When I travel, I rely on the convenient accessibility of commercial yogurt brands as my go-to breakfast source. I suspect some of you traditional foodies do too!
Staying satiated with steady blood sugar from healthy fats while on the road is absolutely crucial to avoid the otherwise inevitable slide down the carb and sugar fest rabbit hole.
The question is…which brands of yogurt are best? Which are to be avoided?
There are so many after all! Dozens in fact.
You might be surprised to learn that quality varies greatly from brand to brand, even for organic or grass-fed (pasture-based) yogurt sources.
With that, let’s do a deep dive on the yogurt brands on the market and rank them from worst to best since many of us need to buy a container once in a while even if we prefer to make it ourselves.
Nonorganic Yogurt Brands (Worst)
Right out of the gate, let me suggest that you avoid all brands of nonorganic yogurt or nonorganic brands not certified by the nonGMO Project.
These yogurt sources are considered the worst of the worst.
Not only is this type of yogurt not even made properly, but the milk source is unhappy, confined cows with no access to green grass or sunshine. They live horrifically short, abused lives in most cases.
These sad herbivores consume a mix of genetically modified grain and soy that are Roundup-Ready, aka sprayed heavily with glyphosate-based herbicides.
Even worse, the cows are treated with antibiotics and potentially injected with synthetic bovine growth hormone rbST to boost milk production.
These residues would likely end up in the milk and any product made with it.
Stay away.
Brands of Organic Yogurt
With that point hopefully driven home loud and clear, let’s move on to yogurt brands made with better quality milk.
This would include brands that are organic, grass-fed, and/or utilize milk certified by the nonGMO Project.
This type of labeling ensures that yogurt made from this milk would contain little to no glyphosate herbicide residue.
It would also safeguard as much as is humanly possible (in this polluted world) against milk containing synthetic hormones, antibiotics, and pesticide residues.
Even when you filter for these top of the line brands, there is still quite a bit of variation in quality.
Let me explain further.
Artificial Thickeners
One of the most delectable aspects of yogurt is its thick, spoonable texture.
Unfortunately, even when a brand of yogurt is certified organic, additives may be used to achieve this consistency artificially!
Sad but true…USDA certified organic yogurt sometimes contains thickeners to mimic the texture of the real thing.
For example, Stonyfield adds pectin as a thickener to its yogurt. Here are the ingredients in its whole milk organic, pasture raised, nonGMO Project certified yogurt: (1)
Cultured Pasteurized Organic Whole Milk, Pectin, Vitamin D3
I also don’t like the addition of Vitamin D3. Personally, I don’t buy fortified products. To me, it’s a clear sign of poor quality no matter what the certifications.
100% grass-fed organic brands like Maple Hill use this trick too. Here are the ingredients of their blended organic whole milk yogurt (the word “blended” does not appear on the label, by the way): (2)
Organic whole milk, organic nonfat milk, organic tapioca starch, fruit pectin, live and active cultures
So, not only is this product not actually whole milk yogurt (despite the labeling), but it shockingly contains added starch as well as pectin to artificially thicken.
Watch out keto dieters! Many of you may be eating this stuff with absolutely no idea that it contains starch!
Note that the unsweetened, “cream on top” Maple Hill whole milk plain yogurt and the Greek style plain yogurt contain only organic milk and live cultures. No pectin or starch is added to these offerings, which is good. (3)
Thus, even within a single brand of organic yogurt, there is a significant variation in the quality of the products on offer. You must check the ingredients to be sure you are getting what you think you are getting!
24 Hour Yogurt
Once you’ve found an organic (or nonGMO Project verified), grass-fed yogurt that contains only milk and live cultures, you might think you’ve identified a good brand.
I would suggest that you still need to look further.
You see, another common commercial practice with even the best yogurt brands is to shorten fermentation time to save money and boost profits.
Properly made yogurt is fermented for a full 24 hours. This ensures three things:
- Natural thickness with no need for additives.
- Maximum strength of live cultures.
- Significant reduction of milk sugar (lactose). In other words, low carb yogurt without the need for straining out the whey a la Greek style.
Anyone who has made yogurt at home knows this already!
However, since most people don’t make their own yogurt, they are easily fooled when buying.
Fermentation Time of Store Brands
At this point, you might be thinking about how you could possibly tell how long a particular brand of yogurt was fermented without the inconvenience of calling the company and quizzing customer service (who probably doesn’t know anyway).
It’s easier than you might think!
What you do is simply check the nutritional label to see what the sugar content is.
24-hour yogurt will have very little lactose left after fermentation.
Hence, if a brand of yogurt contains about the same grams of lactose as the equivalent amount of plain milk, that is a clue that it was not fermented properly.
Let’s go back to Stonyfield Organic yogurt as an example. One cup of their whole milk organic yogurt contains 11 grams of lactose milk sugar. (4)
This is virtually the same as a glass of whole milk! How can this be? (5)
Fake Yogurt Contains as Much Lactose as Milk
Elaine Gottschall, author of Breaking the Vicious Cycle and creator of the gut healing Specific Carbohydrate (SCD) diet knew about these industrialized yogurt manufacturing techniques. Here’s what she had to say on the subject: (6)
According to Dept. of Agriculture dogma, additional milk solids including lactose and protein are added to commercial yoghurt and then subjected to the short fermentation. Because of so much lactose in it from the very beginning, what happens is that the little good guys (bulgaricus and thermophilus start doing their work and when they have converted half of the lactose in the original vat, there is lactic acid produced and the acidity (acid=acidity)(the pH) reaches a critical point of about 3.5. At this point, our little guys’ enzymes cannot work because of the acidity and there is still 50% more lactose remaining (remember they added milk solids at the start). You end up with as much, if not more, lactose as in a glass of milk. Subjecting the yoghurt to more time would not change anything. The cultures’ machinery (enzymes) cannot work in such an acid environment.
Not all brands of organic yogurt pull this stunt, however. Let’s look at another example.
Yogurt with Less Lactose than Milk
Let’s look at Maple Hill’s unsweetened, cream top whole milk yogurt again. One cup, containing only milk and live cultures, contains 9 grams of lactose milk sugar. (7)
This is slightly less than the 11 grams of lactose in a cup of whole milk. (8)
On the positive side, because the lactose in the yogurt is less than the amount in the equivalent amount of milk, you know that this brand probably did not add additional lactose prior to fermentation. This is a very good sign.
However, the lactose in the yogurt is not significantly lower than in the equivalent amount of milk. Thus, even this brand of yogurt is not considered “best” because the fermentation time was not long enough.
What about Greek?
One way to solve the problem of high amounts of lactose in commercial yogurt brands is to simply buy Greek yogurt.
The excess lactose that remains due to improper fermentation methods is largely removed through straining out much of the liquid whey.
However, you are still left with a product that does not have sufficient probiotic strength.
But, at least the milk sugar is in line with levels in raw yogurt and slow cooker or crockpot yogurt.
Bulgarian Yogurt
There are currently only a couple of brands of yogurt on the market that I’ve found that checks all the boxes for properly fermented yogurt made from high-quality milk.
This is Bulgarian yogurt. (9)
While the name “Bulgarian yogurt” is a bit of a misnomer (virtually all commercial yogurt contains the Bulgarian strain Lactobacillus bulgaricus), it does offer the following characteristics which no other brand I’ve examined (so far) can match.
- Organic, unhomogenized milk preferably from pastured cows
- Fermented for a full 24 hours, maximizing probiotic content
- Extremely low levels of lactose, that is low carb without the need for straining.
- Packaged in glass (better taste, more environmentally responsible since little plastic actually gets recycled even when placed in recycling bins)
Good Brands to Consider
For those of you who would like a simple list of acceptable brands of yogurt made from nonhomogenized grassfed milk, these are excellent to consider:
- White Mountain (24 hour yogurt)
- Seven Stars
- St. Benoit Creamery (24 hour yogurt)
- Bellwether Farms
- Old Chatham
There are certainly a few others I don’t know about that are available regionally that would make this list.
Use the tips above to vet the ones in your area especially when substituting yogurt for fresh whole milk to make the best homemade baby formula.
(1, 4) Stonyfield Yogurt
(2, 3, 7) Maple Hill Whole Milk Yogurt
(5, 8) Maple Hill Whole Milk
(6) Breaking the Vicious Cycle FAQ
(9) Bulgarian Yogurt
Thank you for this article and I’ll wait for your recipe. I’m wondering if you have any thoughts about seven stars whole milk plain I’ve been using it since I heard about it from the Westin a. Price association. Years ago. Thank you!
Yes, Seven Stars is great!
FYI … just got an email from a gal who found a brand from California that checks all the boxes. St. Benoit Creamery. It’s not available where I live, but if you are in the Western part of the US, perhaps you can find it!
Thank you. Great information.
I thought you were going to list the best brands. What a disappointment you are! 🙁
That would be impossible as all the brands are not available where I live for me to examine. Isn’t it better that I give you the tools to analyze for yourself? This way, you are ready for any new brand that hits the market and claims to be “the best” and really isn’t 🙂
Just take the guidelines in this post and take a look at the one you buy and you can tell in less than a minute if it is “best”, “worst” or merely “acceptable”.
Wow, great article! How would this yogurt be? Looks decent??? Siggi’s
I’ve answered this question below .. Siggi’s is unfortunately not a great choice 🙁 I personally would not buy it.
I’m definitely on the path to making my own yogurt soon! But I want to make sure my milk source is good first. Raw milk in NC is illegal ( so silly) And the best local mil we have is high grass fed, non homogenized but vat pasteurized. What do you think of that for yogurt?
But the battle of good yogurts is always a live discussion in our house. I love the Bulgarian yogurt you mention in this article and my husband does as well although he is partial to the thickness of Fage. We get the full 5% fat but even though I love that yogurt too intuitively I’m always wondering when the other shoe is going to drop. It’s non gmo but not organic and it’s really thick but doesn’t have thickeners in it.
What’s your take on this Sarah?
I’d be interested to know if you’ve tried this one or know anything about it that I can not dig up on my own searches.
Thank you for all you do. Meaganlark
I stopped eating all dairy for a period in a effort to help some problems I was experiencing. I reintroduced goat and sheep dairy and that’s what I eat with no issues. However, my choices in products is limited. I have found two brands of goat milk yogurt that I use. Neither is organic. One is by Redwood Hill Farm and has tapioca starch and pectin as 2nd and 3rd ingredients followed by several strains of probiotics. The other is from Trader Joe’s and I don’t have the label with me.
It did bother me that they are not organic, but now I’m more disheartened.
The goat milk that I use occasionally is not the best either, it’s by Meyenberg.
Do you know of any other brands on the market that are better?
There is a sheep yogurt that is acceptable that I buy occasionally. It just contains sheep milk and cultures. Whole Foods carries it in my area.
Sarah, please verify what ingredients I need to use to make my own yogurt with the most probiotics, etc. Do I need to use only raw, unpasteurized milk and buy yogurt culture to add when starting the process or is there really a need to have the culture? I thought you could use regular whole milk and some yogurt to start and not need a “culture”. Also, I’d rather use almond milk instead but does this actually work? If I’m going to do this, I want to do it right since making yogurt is pretty easy. Thank you for your time.
Hi Cristina, I make my yogurt with whole, raw milk and 5 TBL of leftover yogurt from my previous batch. I ferment it for 24 hours in my slow cooker. It is SO easy. I am finishing up a recipe on this and hopefully will get it posted today so come back and take a look a bit later. If you want to use almond milk, you will need to use a vegan starter culture like this one.
Green Mountain Creamery Greek yogurt has only milk & bacterial cultures. It is by far my favorite of the store-bought yogurts.
I used to make raw milk yogurt (and kefir) and it was delicious. I can’t reconcile raw dairy because I know that the male calves are shipped off after a while to most likely a cruel place to be slaughtered for veal, etc. I would be interested in your opinion.
I don’t like veal either! I would suggest finding a raw milk farm that sells the male calves for grassfed beef operations instead.
Sarah, just wanted to put in my two cents…. Thank you for your integrity, your concern for the health of others, your research, your excellence, your sharing such useful information! I appreciate it all greatly!
I second Jenny’s comment. Thank you Sarah Pope for all the insight from tons of hard work and research that you so generously share with others. You are appreciated much more then you know.
May God bless you and your family always.
Thank you Allison. I dearly appreciate the kind words.